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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Spreading the Love

My friend Angela sent out an email with a great idea. She was looking for a way to somehow thank our local librarians at the Salem Public Library. After asking the director, she found out the staff wasn't able to accept gifts, so Angela decided to collect some money for the library and to make a banner and sideshow so we could express our gratitude.

Yesterday we were able to bring our kiddos to thank the librarians in person. It was great fun snapping a few shots of our kiddos standing so very close to their favorite storytellers. In my children's eyes, these librarians are their superheros. We've been going to the library since we've moved to Salem and we especially love Tuesday night Family Story Time.

The City of Salem is now facing a $5 million gap in funding and programs will need to be cut. I'm sure hoping the library's budget will stay intact since so many people use it, especially in times of economic crisis. It's something that is vital to our community and to the mind and spirit of our children. It's definitely something worth fighting for!

If you'd like to share your thoughts about Salem's budget cuts there are a series of meetings scheduled where residents can give feedback to the city. These community conversations are family-friendly events.
- 7 p.m. Monday, February 16 at the West Salem Roth's, 1130 Wallace Rd. NW
- 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 18 in the North Salem High School Auditorium, 765 14th St. N.E.
- 10 a.m. Saturday, February 21 in the South Salem High School Library, 1910 Church Street SE
- 6 p.m. Tuesday, February 24 in the McKay High School Commons (Spanish-speaking forum), 2440 Lancaster Drive NE

You can also show your support for the Salem Public Library by becoming a "fan" of the library on Facebook.

Or, share your thoughts about our library here! I'd love to hear your stories and memories of using your local library.



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Thursday, August 7, 2008

She's getting older

I can't believe how time flies. My daughter will be entering Kindergarten this fall and my hubby and I thought now would be the perfect time for her to get her very own library card. Doesn't she look proud? And we are so thankful to have a wonderful local library, Salem Public Library. My husband, who is a total book junkie, a man who has a "books to read before I die" list of 300 plus books, enjoys his two book clubs through the library. He's part of both the Books for Lunch and Books for Dessert book clubs. We also enjoy Tuesday Night Storytime as a family as well as the discovery room that has rotating hands-on activities for kids. They also have wonderful performances from actors, animal lovers, authors, and musicians in their auditorium. Most performances are free to everyone which is awesome. How lucky we are to have such resource in our community!



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